What we've been reading in May & June (2022)

I apologize readers of Interrupt! I haven’t published a roundup post in a while, but fear not! We’re back after a couple of very busy months, both professionally and personally.

Here are the articles, videos, and tools that we’ve been excited about this May & June

We hope you enjoy these links, and we look forward to hearing what you’ve been reading in the comments or on the Interrupt Slack.

I also have to mention that my team, the Developer Experience team at Memfault, is hiring a Firmware Engineer to assist with our SDK development and customer integrations. Come work with us! It’s a fantastic team and we’re helping embedded engineers and hardware companies all over the world build better firmware.

Articles & Learning

Tools & Libraries

  • tezc/sc - Common libraries and data structures for C
    Title says it all. Comment thread on Hacker News might have some good discussion.

  • wader/fq: jq for binary formats
    Another very handy binary analysis utility:

  • eKermit Release - 2021/06/26
    Wow, eKermit had a recent release!? I had to throw a shout out to Kermit here - it saved us all plenty of trouble when we used it at Fitbit on the smartwatches.

  • Blecon
    Veterans from ARM are building a seamless way to connect BLE devices to the Internet. Interesting approach - François

  • zephyrproject-rtos/rtos-benchmark: RTOS Benchmark
    Because who doesn’t like a good project for generating RTOS performance benchmarks. In this repo you can face off FreeRTOS vs Zephyr using QEMU at your desk. I’m sure they would have included more but some RTOS’s are allowed to be benchmarked publicly (looking at you ThreadX / AzureRTOS). - Chris

  • Visual Studio Code extensions | IAR Systems
    Wow, IAR released a VSCode extension? Might this be the end of us having to use their IDE? What’s maybe even more amazing is that I’m reading “IAR Build Tools now support Ubuntu, Redhat and Windows”, which means I may never have to boot up my Windows VM to use IAR again! Amazing!


Tyler Hoffman has worked on the embedded software teams at Pebble and Fitbit. He is now a founder at Memfault.